Monday, May 24, 2010

May 24th

May 24th-

So I had three finals today. Including my philosophy final- which included me printing out an article.
So when I was done, what do you think I did with the article?
I wrote on the back and sent fun pictures to my friends!

To Megan: " Thou roguish beetle-headed hedge-pig" in regards to Microsoft.

To Sarah: "Sarah's Wood"; "I use to be really into wood"- Sarah "I still am"- Alexis

To Kristen: A sign in the back window of my car that says "Kristen can't be tamed. Just to let the world know"-- Miley Cyrus
And to Sierra: "Shelby says "Woof, Woof" to Sierra!"

May 23rd

May 23rd-

Another picture message war with Sierra.

If only you could see the photo what I won the war with...

May 22nd

May 22nd-

Look at what a couple students made for me at work today!

May 21st

May 21st-

Picture messaging war with Sierra.

May 20th

May 20th-

Yay for stickies! Super sticky stickies!

May 19th

May 19th-

So we are redoing the kitchen, again. This time because of a stupid idiot who didn't know how to install a dishwasher and our kitchen molded so it had to be torn down and rebuilt. Part of the remodel is that we want to put our stove in the island, so we have to vent it through the ground and that requires breaking concrete. With a jackhammer. It's really loud.

It also requires having this huge hole in our backyard for a while. Well, it's perfect "Tyler-sized" so when Tyler asked what it was, I told him it was his grave for when we kill him. And he needs to go lay in it so we can size it. WE WERE JOKING. WE WERE NOT SERIOUS. IT WAS PURELY FOR COMICAL PURPOSES. But he laid in it anyway.

May 18th

May 18th-

Happy Birthday Brandon!
Sorry you had to wake up to jackhammers.
And that I had to tape the CAPE test early.

But I think it was a good day overall!

May 17th

May 17th-

Look at Shelby!

May 16th

May 16th-

Yay for French fries!
And filming at the Tango Del Rey Club!
What a loooooong day but fun!

Now to edit all the footage....

May 15th

May 15th-

From the Hickmans: all the cool pirates! They brought them back for me from Legoland! Cool huh?

May 14th

May 14th-

I hung out with Sierra today.

May 13th

May 13th-

Look at Suzie!!

May 12th

May 12th-

Sarah gave me these for Christmas. : )

May 11th

May 11th-

My arches have hurt really badly lately. So Sara showed me a great trick with a tennis ball. AND MY FEET FEEL GREAT!

May 10th

May 10th-

I babysat Abby and Zach today.

Abby sang me "I can't be shaved!" as her impression of Miley Cyrus's new song "I can't be tamed!"

May 9th

May 9th-

Just realized I can't go to this...

May 8th

May 8th-

The picture for today isn't entirely appropriate. It's of my middle finger. So I'm not going to post it.

But I sent the picture of my middle finger to Sierra because I was promised Tios and she let her phone die and hasn't called me yet!

May 7th

May 7th-

Free tickets to the private screening for the press!!

May 6th

May 6th-

Here's the book I started two weeks ago and still am only on page 23....

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5th

May 5th-

I download an App on my phone.... I now have a pond!!

May 4th

May 4th-

Yay for $150!!

May 2nd

May 2nd-

I went to Kristen's this morning for Bacon and Pancakes! We watched the Special Features on the New Moon DVD and half of the commentary.... I made Kristen hold the DVD so I could take a picture.

And then I went home to edit some more.....

May 1st

May 1st-

Happy May!
There is about 4 pages to my "To Do" list, this is one of them.

April 30th

April 30th-

I think the picture is pretty explanatory.

April 29th

April 29th-

I had this freak out moment today on my way home from work: "MOTHER'S DAY IS SUNDAY!" I knew it was the 9th of May, and yet for some reason my head just skipped a whole week because I assumed the 9th was this Sunday.... fully aware that it was still April..... I don't know. I'm REALLY tired, so maybe that's it. But, at least I have my Mother's Day stuff done. : )

April 28th

April 28th-

I'm mean.

April 27th

April 27th-

Today at work, I randomly looked down at my hand and saw this weird line. I don't know where it came from or what I did to make it.... it's weird.