Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28th-

February 28th-

Totally Crap! On the back, with the answer is says "But a group of owls is a parliament" Which made me laugh!

February 27th

February 27th-

I will not post todays picture here. But I will tell you that I had to get glasses.

February 26th

February 26th-

New book! 2nd Chance in the second book in the Women's Murder Club series by James Patterson.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 25th

February 25th-

Best breakfast I've had, ever I think!

February 24th

February 24th-

How is it that I can have 89 emails in my
Junk folder, and STILL have over 150
to in my Inbox to read?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23rd

February 23rd-

Because "Jane" had a crappy day yesterday, I am posting my doodle picture from a few days ago, again. But this time, I've colored it pink. So "Jane" can enjoy it because we all know how much she likes the color pink and not purple. : )

P.S. Happy Birthday Brandi and Autumn!

Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22nd

February 22nd-

I'm proud to say I knew the answer to that "Fact or Crap". Thank you Kathy Reichs!
If you haven't read her novels yet, please do!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

February 21st

February 21st-

I do not have a picture of what my day was like today, because I am an idiot. But, I will tell you about my day: I realized I was late for Lent. {I am not religious, but I think that the idea of giving something up once a year is cool. So I celebrate lent.} I tried for two years now to give up bread, and I just can't do it. I forget and end up having an english muffin for breakfast or something and so, I decided on something new. I'm giving up Starbucks. I went through my Bank log the other day, and in the last month, I went to Starbucks thirteen times. That is ridiculous. At $4 a drink, that's like $50 spent only on coffee I could make at home. So, that's what I'm giving up.

I went to Brandon's nephews baptism today, and I wish I would have taken a picture because Justyn was just so funny! He kept making funny faces throughout the whole ceremony, and was making us all laugh. And although I was uncomfortable because I know nothing about religion, and everyone around me did, I'm glad I went.

So the picture for today is of the book I started last night, and plan on spending the rest of the night reading. It's 1st to die, of the Women's Murder Club series by James Patterson. I'm about 75 pages in and already know it is a fantastic book and hate to have to put it down. So, if you like crime novels, first read Kathy Reich's Temperance Brennan series, {New novel "Spider Bones" out in August! Should be cool even though spiders don't have bones....} And then read this series!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

February 20th

February 20th-

Shelby got a bath. And even though you can't tell in this picture, if you could smell her- you would know. : )

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19th

February 19th-

I have two pictures for you today.
1. My raise and new job title went through! I am now a Profession Expert! Of what? Who knows!

2. I've been exporting all day, and my computer has been running at a FIREY 80 C! That's a whopping 176 F! My computer averages about 45-50 C, or 113 F - 122 F! For all you Mac people out there, wondering why your computer gets so hot, and if yours happens to restart constantly. Install a fan controller. There are a bunch of them. Sarah and I use SMC Fan Control, and have our fans set to 2700 RPM's regularly. Mine is set to make up for when I'm exercising the computer like this, so while it's at 80 C, the fans are going at 4200 RPMS!

February 18th

February 18th-

They have these in the front office of most schools. Please take one, read it and then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
The school district needs fresh ideas!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

February 17th

February 17th-

I am in the mood to make a movie. I just have no resources right now. So, I'm posting a picture of my Clapboard.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16th

February 16th-

Today I went to Jack in the Box with Autumn.
We made a tower. Kind of.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Because I just posted the first 46 days on this blog from my Project 365, I feel like I need to post this outtake.

February 13th-

Kristen and I went to Target. Here are a few photos.

^^I was running with the cart and Kristen was attempting to take pictures.


February 15th

February 15th-

A few days ago a coworker gave me a sticker. And I decided to put it on my notebook. : )

February 14th

February 14th-

Happy Valentines Day!
I got a new bed! It's wonderful! Just look at Brandon and Shelby enjoying it!

February 13th

February 13th-

This is what I came home to. Thanks Mom and Dad for trying to fix my bed.

February 12th

February 12th-

Do you see the GIANT white ball thing? That's a giant jawbreaker. Which Brandon can't fit in his mouth, so he decided to try and cut in half. After ten minutes with a giant knife, it's still intact.

Jawbreaker: 1
Brandon: 0

February 11th

February 11th-

Today is the last day before a four day weekend. So at work, we went to Fat Tony's to celebrate! It was good fun.

Afterwards, I hung out with Brandon who was eating candy and decided to try and gross me out by "coughing" this up. "I don't know where it came from Kayla, I just coughed it up!" I later found out it was sour things squished together.

February 10th

February 10th-

I didn't know it, but this would be the last time I ever sleep on this bed. Or Shelby would.

February 9th

February 9th-

Ssssh Kristen! Pretend that this picture really happened today!

"I rock the literary world!" -- Kristen

As so many of our stupid adventures start, we were at Target. We sat in the book/magazine section and Kristen was rocking the shelf from side to side and it made all the ones on either side move to! It was good fun.

February 8th

February 8th-

Do you remember on the 1st when I posted a picture of Brandon's desk? Look at mine! Wow, we are so different!

February 7th

February 7th-

Tap Defense! This is a really great FREE game. If you have an iPhone, download it!

February 6th

February 6th-

Pink Champagne!

February 5th

February 5th-

I knew Autumn had disgusting eating habits. {Ranch dressing on french fries? Ranch dressing on anything?!} But this is just horrible. She took the delight of ketchup and mixed it into the disgust that is ranch dressing and was dipping her french fries in it..... WTH?!

February 4th

February 4th-

Error: Unknown Error Occurred.

How is that helpful?!!

February 3rd

February 3rd-

Kristen thought her doodling would stop when she left Algebra 2. And for the most part, mine did too. But now that I'm in a Math class again.... it's worse. I doodle in every class!! Check this out!

February 2nd

February 2nd-


February 1st

February 1st-

Happy February!
Instead of posting a picture of Brandon, I'm going to post one of his stuff.

January 31st

January 31st-

I am officially scared of Psychiatric Hospitals. Fiction or not, this is some scary stuff!!

January 30th

January 30th-

The first thing I spill on my brand new, gorgeous, carpet? Milk.

January 29th

January 29th-

This is a photo from my history book, what do you think it is??

January 28th

January 28th-

Today I was thinking about April and her child Layla. {Real name Madalyn} So I think it's only appropriate to post the picture of the gorgeous cake Layla had for her first birthday!

January 27th

January 27th-

Oh. My. Gosh. I get to much spam!!

January 26th

January 26th-


January 25th

January 25th-

First day back at classes, and I came home to enjoy some Top Ramen. Enjoy my picture of the Top Ramen I enjoyed.

January 24th

January 24th-

Brandon and I made Shelby's day today, by giving her a bone.

January 23rd

January 23rd-


He says "A hell of a face".

January 22nd

January 22nd-

Today, I hung out with some friends I hadn't seen in a while. And we decided to try and play a prank. It didn't work. But it made me laugh so who cares.

January 21st

January 21st-

Another show day, still craving Mexican food. {Turn your head}

January 20th

January 20th-

Today is a show day. I was at work alllllllll day. And I didn't have time to take a photo for today. But now, at 11pm when I'm finally getting home, this is what I'm craving... Megan. Please, lets go again.

January 19th

January 19th-

If you haven't been able to tell {See posts for January 3rd, 4th, 6th, 15th, and 18th} I love Apple. And the constant argument I get from people about not buying a Mac, is the cost.

Well, I was reading a book today and look at what it says. : )
Yes, I do expect you to read sideways.

January 18th

January 18th-

Have you checked out The Unofficially Apple Weblog yet? You should. Now.

Because my picture of the day is coming from them again.

This is for Brandon.

January 17th

January 17th-

I am such a nerd that every time I read this, it makes me laugh.

January 16th

January 16th-

For a while, I was kicked out of my room and living at Brandon's. I now have my room back. Look at my new, completely redone, bathroom!